New maps.... please?
GPG is on the US west coast so it'll be a while
Shhhh... I was trying to trick them! You blew it!
sorry i am a noob here, new map every thursday or did they announce something about this thursday?
We are expecting the Beta 3 patch to be released tomorrow. Things may change but last I heard that is the plan. Beta 3 will have, I believe, seven maps available to play on as well as tournaments and various enhancements. We've been playing only on Cataract for awhile now, gets a bit old.
EDIT: Oh and welcome to Demigod. Did you pre-order and get the beta? If not then you should, more players the better.
yeah a friend and i got the game because well... we are fans of dota and this is a new level beyond that. graphics wise atleast, we are hoping for a bit more when the game comes out.
also waiting for the connection problem being solved lol, we havent played with any other players just ai. but that is still a blast!
Dude, this game is DOTA on steroids.
heh leafy shadow is my buddy, but DotA on steroids can be to an extent, they release heroes on a regular basis, i hear this will have about 12 heroes in about a year? and no user tools i also heard. its kinda odd really.
Ahh, well I played DotA when the thing was just a budding mod for Warcraft III, and Demigod = that game + steroids (a mixture of D-Bol and HGH) + an angry onion like in that commercial.